Thursday 8 February 2024

Simon's General Interest blog post- Gerry Anderson

Hi guys 
It's been quite a few years (eight to be precise) since I last did a General Interest episode (and accompanying Blog post). Which last time was on Anne Frank, and since I wrote that it has become the most read TEP Blog post with over four thousand views. So, I'd like to take a moment to thank you all for reading it.
Last time I wrote a Blog post like this I spoke all about Anne Frank's tragically short life. Something that's interested a lot of you as it's become the most read TEP Blog post with over four thousand views. So, I'd like to take a moment to thank you all for reading it.

Now after all those years I'm now doing my second General Interest episode are taking us into the Gerry Anderson universe*. Following the tradition this accompanying Blog post will expand upon the podcast episode.
Everyone’s heard of the Pixar Universe theory, which is that “All of the Pixar movies actually exist within the same universe!”. Well in this Blog post I’m going to attempt the same and explain my Gerry Anderson universe (Andersonverse) Star Trek theory to you.

In particular the idea that I've always believed that the 'missing link' between the present and the Star Trek universe is the Gerry Anderson universe (Andersonverse). In this Blog post I'm going to try and explain my reasoning behind it!

Even from a young age I could see the more idyllic world the Earth becomes through Gerry Anderson's vision. A vision based on the futuristic lens of the 1960's and the Space Race. That would later also be the same inspiration for Gene Roddenberry on the other side of the Atlantic with his "Wagon Train to the Stars" as he once said.
There's an awful lot of overlap amongst the myriad of series to pull on, some incredibly big and others incredibly small in scale.

The Gerry Anderson show's always showed the world more unified, with the Word Government at its heart (references to the World Navy and World Army amongst others, along with the Global Defence Force).
Something that's sporadically referenced now and then in Star Trek. When they're discussing the formation of the Federation, after the hardships sustained throughout the third World War.

The amount of space exploration they've done would also align with what we know about Earth in that era. As they’re still reliant on rocket propulsion, limiting them to the confines of the Solar system. Including the Sun Probe mission, along with the Aries IV mission to Mars. Obviously, Jeff Tracy forms part of that history being a former astronaut. With him becoming the first man to walk on Mars in Thunderbirds Are Go (2015-2020).
With the occasional (and limited) testing of a Faster Than Light (FTL) T-Drive equipped Zero-XL seen in “The Long Reach” Finale episode of Thunderbirds Are Go (2015-2020), which isn’t available to the public.

One interesting note I would like to make is that an Antimatter reactor can be seen being developed at the Space Agency in New Mexico in Gerry Anderson's New Captain Scarlet (2005) episode “Homecoming”. Based on the plot I think that it's just being utilised as a power plant. But I like to think that it could be the first 'baby' steps to a Faster Than Light (FTL) Drive (like a Star Trek Warp Core).

I think that research could’ve inspired scientists worldwide to develop anti-matter technology. As Zefram Cochrane was working on anti-matter weaponry during World War III derived from the Space Agency New Mexico Antimatter reactor. 
As the Star Trek: Federation – The First 150 Years book says that “Throughout the conflict, Cochrane found himself designing and developing anti-matter weapons. “I was fascinated by matter/anti-matter reactions, and this was the only way I could get access to the research”. Which would ultimately inspire Zefram Cochrane into creating Warp drive in the peaceful years after World War III.

There's also some synergy when you're talking about the level of automation between the franchises. As people are capable of controlling vehicles that require a minimal number of crew considering the size of the vehicle. Which would come as an offshoot to from all the advanced technology they have available to them.

One of the smaller (and often overlooked) aspects they have in common is the origins of wearable communication technology. As I would argue that the Spectrum technology (seen in both versions of Captain Scarlet) particularly with their iconic Spectrum Radio Cap Communicator would eventually lead to the development of communicators. Whilst their scanners would ultimately lead to the creation of and tricorders.

Meanwhile I couldn’t help that notice that Thunderbirds (original) and Star Trek also rely heavily on viewscreens for communication in civilian use (specifically the Tracy family portraits) and within Starfleet (and the Federation).

The World Aquanaut Security Patrol (WASP) radiation suits seen in Stingray look like the precursor to the Star Trek: The Original Series (Star Trek: TOS) EVA suits famously seen in “The Tholian Web” episode.

Continuing that thread the control panels seen throughout the various Gerry Anderson shows could be the precursor to the button controls we see throughout Star Trek: Enterprise (Star Trek: ENT) and Star Trek: The Original Series (Star Trek: TOS). Whilst the Holograms we see in Thunderbirds Are Go, are very reminiscent of ones featured in the first season of Star Trek: Discovery (Star Trek: DIS).

*Based primarily around these Gerry Anderson shows:
Stingray 1964-65 [set in 2060’s]
Thunderbirds (original) 1965-66 [set in 2065]
Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons (1967-1968) [set in 2068]
UFO 1970-71 [set in 1980]
Space: 1999 1975-76 [set in 1999]
Gerry Anderson's New Captain Scarlet (2005) [set in 2068]
Thunderbirds Are Go (2015-2020) [set in 2060]

I also realise that the Moon doesn't Breakaway from its orbit due to the explosion at Nuclear Disposal Area Two on the 13th of September 1999 like it does at the beginning of Space 1999. Instead, the Klingon moon Praxis explodes due to over-mining and insufficient safety precautions.

I know that my theory isn't 100% watertight, but it was never meant to be!
Just a fun way of celebrating two Science Fiction franchises I love. That don’t usually get put into the same sentences.
But I’d recommend going and watching all the series mentioned below and to make your own mind up!

Lastly, I would just like to take a moment to thank my friends Clive, Neil, and Daniel for helping me write this Blog post with their knowledge on the franchises. Along with Jamie for proof reading Blog post for me. I really appreciate it!  

This is Simon from The Engage Podcast signing out!

Wednesday 10 January 2024

Podcast Schedule 2024

Hi guys, a new year means a new Podcast Schedule! 
Once again you'll notice that this is a complete schedule. As we’re quite happy with how the balanced schedule worked out over the past couple of years so we’re doing it again. But I’m still going to insist on saying that "this schedule (at the time that I write this) is subject to change". As we’ve learnt (the hard way) that things don't tend to go the way we plan.

So again, we’re both going to get an equal amount number of episodes scattered throughout the year.
This still means that, we also have an awful lot of different options (and ideas) available to us. Which we'll decide on at the time (when needed!). Meaning that new extra episodes maybe added to the schedule at any time.
Hopefully making 2024's schedule an exciting year to be a follower of The Engage Podcast, we hope that you enjoy what we've got in store for you this year!!!

Although it should be noted that this year we're experimenting with the February release dates. By trialling shifting the dates back a week, so that after ten years we can celebrate my Birthday on the podcast! 

Meaning that we'll be moving the first episode [of the month] from Wednesday 7th of February to Wednesday 14th of February, and the second episode [of the month] from Wednesday 21st of February to Wednesday 28th of February.
  1. Starfleet upgrades episode Done
  2. Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 space probes Supplemental Done
  3. Star Trek: Picard Season Three Retrospective Done
  4. Simon General Interest podcast- Gerry Anderson Done
  5. Firefly (Serenity) episode Done
  6. Dastardly Deadly Dominion Done
  7. Star Trek would you rather? episode Done
  8. Ms. Marvel Done
  9. Star Trek Resurgence game episode Done
  10. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season Two Retrospective Done
  11. Destination Star Trek 2014 conventions DSTG3* joint 10th Anniversary episode Done
  12. Why do the Borg assimilate worlds rather than conquer them? Are the Borg villains or victims? Redux TEP 10th Anniversary episode Done
  13. Season Review- DS9 Season 2, Part One Done
  14. Season Review- DS9 Season 2, Part Two Done
  15. What if... Rugal had his wishes honoured? episode Done
  16. Star Trek Crime and Punishment Done
  17. Star Trek Fandom (featuring Larry Nemecek) Done
  18. Blackbird SR71 spy plane
  19. Eaglemoss predecessor's episode (featuring SKoST)
  20. Absent Friends 2024
  21. Jingle All The Way film commentary
  22. Yearbook 2024
*Destination Star Trek Germany (DSTG) & Destination Star Trek 3 (DST3)

Guess the Star Trek episode by the low (IMDB users) review episode
Star Trek would you rather? episode (featuring Generations Geek)

Tuesday 10 January 2023

Podcast Schedule 2023

Hi guys, a new year means a new Podcast Schedule!
Just like last year you’ll notice that this is a complete schedule. As we’re quite happy with how the balanced schedule worked out last year so we’re doing it again. But I’m still going to insist on saying that "this schedule (at the time that I write this) is subject to change". As we’ve learnt (the hard way) that things don't tend to go the way we plan.

So again, we’re both going to get an equal amount number of episodes scattered throughout the year. With us still taking the lead at our usual times of year:
Simon:- 1st January 2023-31st July 2023
Jamie:- 1st September-31st December 2023

This still means that, we also have an awful lot of different options (and ideas) available to us. Which we'll decide on at the time (when needed!). Meaning that new extra episodes maybe added to the schedule at any time.
Hopefully making 2023's schedule an exciting year to be a follower of The Engage Podcast, we hope that you enjoy what we've got in store for you this year!!!

  1. Character Profile: Montgomery Scott Done
  2. Star Trek: The Adventure – Hyde Park 20th Anniversary Done
  3. Fiendishly Fun Ferengi, Part Two Done
  4. Ranking every U.S.S. Enterprise episode Done
  5. What If… Season One Marvel series Done
  6. The Orville episode Done
  7. What if... Porthos saved the day? April fools (featuring Trekmate) Done 
  8. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season One Retrospective Done
  9. Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 space probes Done
  10. What is reality? Pre-recorded Done
  11. Teaser Episode Three- Which series is it best to be a Federation Citizen? Redux TEP 9th Anniversary episode Done
  12. Has the Marvel Cinematic Universe had it’s time? episode Done
  13. Season Review- DS9 Season 1, Part One Done
  14. Season Review- DS9 Season 1, Part Two Done
  15. Star Trek Retrospective Extravaganza! Done
  16. What if... another starship had rescued the U.S.S. Defiant crew at the Battle of Sector 001? Pre-recorded Done
  17. Star Trek: Enterprise Season Five onwards (featuring Trekmate) Done
  18. Star Trek Prodigy Season One Retrospective episode Done
  19. Jamie General Interest- The Last of Us Franchise Review Done
  20. Hawkeye series episode Done
  21. The Last Of Us 'Redemption' Theme episode (featuring Trekmate) Done
  22. Absent Friends 2023 Done
  23. Christmas Eve film commentary Done
  24. Yearbook 2023 Done
Star Trek would you rather? episode (featuring Generations Geek)
Star Trek Fandom (featuring Larry Nemecek)

Monday 10 January 2022

Podcast Schedule 2022


Hi guys, a new year means a new Podcast Schedule!

But in a change to our previous schedules, you’ll notice that this is a complete schedule. I’m still going to insist on saying that "this schedule (at the time that I write this) is subject to change". Partly because we've never done this before, and as we’ve learnt (the hard way) that things don't tend to go the way we plan.

It's also because as this year we're modifying the current schedule slightly, by transforming it into what we're calling the balanced schedule. Which is where we both get an equal amount number of episodes scattered throughout the year. With us still taking the lead at our usual times of year:
Simon:- 1st January 2021-30th July 2022
Jamie:- 1st September-31st December 2022

This still means that, we also have an awful lot of different options (and ideas) available to us. Which we'll decide on at the time (when needed!). Meaning that new extra episodes maybe added to the schedule at any time.
Hopefully making 2022's schedule an exciting year to be a follower of The Engage Podcast, we hope that you enjoy what we've got in store for you this year!!!

  1. What do the Borg species designations mean? Part Two Done
  2. Wandavision Episode Done
  3. Simon's Star Trek Collection Spotlight Done
  4. Simon's Birthday Randomness Episode Done
  5. What If… Columbia NX-02 had got launched sooner on its original date? Done
  6. "Q Who" episode commentary Done
  7. Should the Federation have banned Genetic Engineering? Done
  8. Don’t sweat the small stuff Done
  9. Teaser Episode Two- Star Trek Rites of Passage Redux (featuring Daniel Houston) Done
  10. Mum topic 2- Artificial Intelligence Done
  11. Conventions Chat Episode (featuring Neil Green) Done
  12. Star Trek TNG Technical Memos Binder complied by Rick Sternbach Done
  13. Star Trek TNG Series Review Done
  14. Star Trek: Lower Decks Season Two Retrospective Done
  15. Starship Profile- Enterprise NX-01 episode Done
  16. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Done
  17. Yucky Yellow Yridians Done 
  18. Loki Season One episode Done 
  19. Fiendishly Fun Ferengi episode Done 
  20. 200th Celebratory episode Spectacular Done 
  21. 200th Celebratory episode Spectacular, Part Two Done 
  22. Absent Friends 2022 Done
  23. SKoST 10th Anniversary Toskars awards episode Done
  24. Yearbook 2022 Done
Star Trek would you rather? episode (featuring Generations Geek)
Star Trek: Bridge Commander 20th Anniversary (featuring SKoST)
Star Trek: Discovery Season Four Retrospective 
Star Trek: The Adventure – Hyde Park 20th Anniversary episode
The Engage Podcast at The Kings Langley Sci-Fi Palooza 2022!

Tuesday 12 January 2021

Podcast Schedule 2021


Hi guys, a new year means a new Podcast Schedule!
Once again, this is an incomplete just like previous years "this schedule (at the time that I write this) is subject to change". Partly, because we've learnt (the hard way) that things don't tend to go the way we plan.

It's also because this year's schedule is going to work out the same way as the last couple of years schedule (See our Star Trek 'odds and ends' episode for more information). As once again we've mutually decided that the workload (and the schedule) should be divided up a little bit more evenly.

Meaning that this year will be divided into two different sections, with each section managed by a different member of the team:
Simon:- 1st January 2021-30th July 2021
Jamie:- 1st September-31st December 2021
This still means that, we also have an awful lot of different options (and ideas) available to us. Which we'll decide on at the time (when needed!).
Hopefully making 2021's schedule an interesting year to be a follower of The Engage Podcast, we hope that you enjoy what we've got in store for you this year... not that even I know what's going to happen in the second half of the year!!!

  1. Starship Profile: U.S.S. Rio Grande Done
  2. Star Trek: Picard Season One Retrospective Done
  3. TEP Challenges Remastered Done
  4. Behind The Scenes episode (for TEP Challenges Remastered episode) Done
  5. Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection Retrospective (featuring Irish Trekkie) Done
  6. The Mandalorian (featuring Jamie's friend Andy) Done
  7. Star Trek Time Travel Methods Done
  8. SKoST Episode Takeover Done
  9. Boldly Blessed Bajorans Supplemental Done
  10. Future of Supersonic Commercial Flight Done
  11. Star Trek's 55th Anniversary Retrospective episode Done
  12. Teaser Episode One- Was it right for the Federation to sign the Treatyof Algeron? Should the Federation have cloaking technology? Redux (featuring Starbase 66) Done
  13. Boldly Blessed Bajorans, Part Two Done
  14. Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection Retrospective (featuring SKoST) Done
  15. Season Review- TNG Season 7, Part One Done
  16. Season Review- TNG Season 7, Part Two Done 
  17. Star Trek: Lower Decks Season One Retrospective Done 
  18. Earth Cargo Service (ECS) Pre-recorded Done 

Monday 17 February 2020

Star Trek: Discovery Titan vinyl figures (U.S.S. Discovery & Michael Burnham) Giveaway- CLOSED

Hi guys
I just wanted to give you our loyal listeners & Blog readers a brief heads up to the podcast's second #Giveaway. Which I'm proud to say I've organised… once again!

Win a set of Star Trek: Discovery Titan vinyl figures (U.S.S. Discovery & Michael Burnham) launched exclusively at Star Trek Las Vegas 2018 by Titan merchandise, along with some The Engage Podcast (TEP) goodies thrown in for good measure!

It'll be commencing later today( 5:00pm GMT) over on Gleam, and you'll be able to enter right up until 4:59pm GMT on Monday 17th February 2020. With the lucky winner being announced on our Alien starships episode!

May we wish you good luck!!!

Titan merchandise blurbs:

Titan Entertainment present the debut 3” TITAN vinyl figure for Michael Burnham, the risk-taking protagonist of Star Trek: Discovery!
Sporting her Starfleet uniform as Science Officer of the USS Discovery, Spock’s foster sister comes with her own phaser accessory!

Launched exclusively at Star Trek Las Vegas 2018, this figure is available in very limited numbers and sold individually in printed-box packaging.

Come on a voyage to the stars with this intricate 4.5” TITAN vinyl reconstruction of Captain Gabriel Lorca’s ship, the USS Discovery - the eponymous lead starship from Star Trek: Discovery!

Launched exclusively at Star Trek Las Vegas 2018, this figure is available in very limited numbers and sold individually in window-boxed packaging.

Sarah (from the Trekkie Girls) attended Star Trek Las Vegas 2018 convention, and was able to source a copy each for me, which I really appreciate to this day!
Whilst I was able to purchase an extra set of figures from Forbidden Planet (while they were available) so that we could give it away to one of you!!!

If you're interested in winning, enter below... and we wish you good luck!!!

This is Simon from The Engage Podcast signing out!

Tuesday 7 January 2020

Podcast Schedule 2020

Hi guys, a new year means a new Podcast Schedule!
Once again, this is an incomplete just like previous years "this schedule (at the time that I write this) is subject to change". Partly, because we've learnt (the hard way) that things don't tend to go the way we plan.

It's also because this year's schedule is going to work out the same way as the last couple of years schedule (See our Star Trek 'odds and ends' episode for more information). As once again we've mutually decided that the workload (and the schedule) should be divided up a little bit more evenly.

Meaning that this year will be divided into two different sections, with each section managed by a different member of the team:
Simon:- 1st January 2020-30th July 2020
Jamie:- 1st September-31st December 2020
This still means that, we also have an awful lot of different options (and ideas) available to us. Which we'll decide on at the time (when needed!).
Hopefully making 2020's schedule an interesting year to be a follower of The Engage Podcast, we hope that you enjoy what we've got in store for you this year... not that even I know what's going to happen in the second half of the year!!!

  1. Talkin' Star Trek: Picard theories Done
  2. Star Trek: Discovery Season Two Retrospective Done
  3. Star Trek: Picard Pilot Episode Commentary Done
  4. Star Trek Online 10th Anniversary episode Done
  5. Alien starships Done
  6. Character Profile: Elim Garak, Part Two Done
  7. Netflix’s most re-watched episodes, and IMDB’s top rated episodes Done
  8. April Fools- What if… the Dominion had won the Dominion War? Done
  9. Nostalgia case study: Captain Marvel Done
  10. TEP Unscripted episode, Volume One (featuring Starbase 66) Done
  11. TEP Unscripted episode, Volume Two (featuring Trekmate) Done
  12. Blueshirts, to help and to heal Done
  13. Reddit Star Trek subreddit page episode Done
  14. Tricky Troublesome Trill Pre-recorded Done
  15. What We Left Behind (featuring The Trek Collector) Done
  16. What if… the Romulans had successfully captured the U.S.S. Prometheus in 2374? Done
  17. The One Where We Recast the Friends Cast (featuring Trekmate) Pre-recorded Done
  18. Memory Alpha Random Page Madness Done
  19. Season Review- TNG Season 6, Part One Done
  20. Season Review- TNG Season 6, Part Two Done
  21. Is Time Travel Possible? Done
  22. What do the Borg Species Designations Mean? Done
  23. Star Trek: First Contact film commentary Done
  24. Star Trek: Voyager 25th Anniversary episode (featuring Some Kind of Star Trek) Pre-recorded Done
  25. Television and Film Audience Expectations Done
  26. Boldly Blessed Bajorans Done
  27. Listeners Choice- The Corbomite Manoeuver Done
  28. How Has Podcasting Changed Us Done
  29. Absent Friends 2020 Done
  30. Talkin' Star Trek Discovery Season Three Done
  31. Yearbook 2020 Done

Wednesday 30 January 2019

Origins of famous Starfleet ship names, part two

Hi guys
As you well know I love starships!
So I wanted to find a way of writing all about starships without getting all technical on you! 

Which is why I wanted to write this blog post all about the origins (and inspiration) for famous Starfleet vessels.

What I am hoping to do in this blog, is explain:

  • Where the ships have appeared in Star Trek cannon (and what they've done).
  • Who or what has inspired the name of the vessel, and the reason they are famous.
    That energised a member of the Star Trek Production team to commission a Starfleet vessel in it's or their honour.
U.S.S. Archer (NCC-44278) Excelsior Class


The U.S.S. Archer is an Excelsior Class starship seen in an okudagram in the stellar cartography scene in Star Trek Nemesis. As it was never seen on screen, it's very difficult to say what version of the Excelsior Class starship the U.S.S. Archer was.
But it's safe to say that it's likely to have been a heavily refitted version, similar to the U.S.S. Lakota seen in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Paradise Lost".

When Captain Picard and Data are discussing the (redirected) Federation Task Force (Starfleet Battle Group Omega) they're attempting to rendezvous with at sector 1045. Tasked with trying to aid the U.S.S. Enterprise-E in destroying the Reman warbird Scimitar (under the command of Shinzon).
But unfortunately the U.S.S. Archer (and the rest of the Federation Task Force) isn't actually seen on screen, as the Enterprise-E was ambushed by the Scimitar.

Forcing it to face the Scimitar on it's own in the Bassen Rift without the support of the Battle Group Omega... but with some Romulan help.
The Battle of the Bassen Rift as it became known, marked 2379 as being a major turning point in changing relations between the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire ever closer to peace.

The U.S.S. Archer of course gets it's name from the 'in universe' (canon) history of Star Trek. Which as the Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 1, p. 41) points out is named after the famed 22nd Century Captain Jonathan Archer of Enterprise NX-01, United Earth's first full-fledged starship.

In that role, he was responsible for greatly expanding United Earth's presence in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. Making first contact with more than a dozen species, most notably the Klingons, the Andorians, the Ferengi and the Xindi.
Along with numerous pre-warp civilizations leading onto the establishment of the Prime Directive. Something I'm sure Jamie wouldn't want me to forget to mention!

He's also widely accredited for saving Earth from the Xindi, and paved the way for the founding of the United Federation of Planets.
Leading onto him becoming one of the earliest Federation Presidents, and to be considered the "greatest explorer of the 22nd century" by historian John Gill.

U.S.S. Cairo (NCC-42136) Excelsior Class

The U.S.S. Cairo is also an Excelsior Class starship. However this was actually seen (briefly) in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Chain Of Command, Part I".
Where it rendezvoused with the Enterprise-D in 2369, in order to transfer Captain Edward Jellico on board the ship. So that he could temporarily command the Enterprise whilst Captain Jean-Luc Picard was on his Top Secret mission to Celtris III (alongside Doctor Crusher & Lieutenant Worf).

Meanwhile, the U.S.S. Cairo was deployed to defend the Minos Korva system when it was threatened by a potential Cardassian attack.
Following the peaceful conclusion of the crisis, Captain Jellico returned to his command on the Cairo in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Chain of Command, Part II".

Five years later (in 2374) during the Dominion War, it's now under the command of Captain Leslie Wong. Who was tasked with patrolling the Romulan Neutral Zone.
Although the fate of the ship is unknown, it was believed to have been ambushed and destroyed by Dominion forces who had crossed into Romulan space to attack the Cairo. Which you hear about during the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "In the Pale Moonlight".

The U.S.S. Cairo was named after the Egyptian capital of the same name (obviously!) called Cairo (al-Qāhirah in Arabic). Is known most famously around the world for being the location of The Great Pyramids of Giza, the last remaining example of the Seven Wonders of the World in existence!

Located on the River Nile, Cairo was founded in 969 CE (Common Era or Current Era) by the Fatimid dynasty, before being conquered by the Ottoman Empire in 1517 when they won the Ottoman–Mamluk War of 1516–1517.
But the land composing the present-day city was the site of ancient national capitals (such as Fustat, al-Askar and al-Qatta'i) whose remnants remain visible in parts of Old Cairo.
The city's metropolitan area is one of the largest in Africa, the largest in the Middle East and the Arab world, and is the 15th-largest in the world. Cairo has long been a centre of the region's political and cultural life, and is titled "the city of a thousand minarets" for its preponderance of Islamic architecture.

Cairo has the oldest and largest film and music industries in the Arab world. Along with the world's second-oldest institution of higher learning, the Al-Azhar University. Many international media businesses, and organizations have their regional headquarters in the city; including the Arab League which has had its headquarters in Cairo for most of its existence (since 1945).
The city has a population of over 9 million people, who are spread over 1,191 square miles (3,085 square kilometres). With an additional 9.5 million inhabitants living in close proximity to the city.

With so many people Cairo is classed as a megacity, so subsequently suffers from the high levels of pollution and traffic associated with a city of it's size. Which may also explain why Cairo's Metro, ranks amongst the fifteen busiest in the world, with over 1 billion annual passenger rides. The economy of Cairo was ranked first in the Middle East in 2005, and 43rd globally on Foreign Policy's 2010 Global Cities Index.
U.S.S. Phoenix (NCC-65420) Nebula Class

The U.S.S. Phoenix is an Nebula Class starship seen in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "The Wounded".

In 2367, Captain Benjamin Maxwell in command of the U.S.S. Phoenix turned vigilante as he seemingly destroys a Cardassian outpost and several ships in Sector 21505 without provocation.

He claimed his actions were justified. As he believed that the Cardassians were preparing to renew hostilities, only a year after peace had been declared between the United Federation of Planets and the Cardassian Union.
As a result, Starfleet dispatches Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the Enterprise to intercept and ultimately stop the Phoenix from it's attack.
En route to intercept the Phoenix, the Enterprise's sensors revealed that Captain Maxwell was attempting to destroy another supply ship.
In an attempt to prevent the further destruction of Cardassian lives and property, Captain Picard gave a nearby Cardassian warship the Phoenix's prefix code to give the Cardassians an advantage. Despite taking a direct hit with its shields down, the Phoenix still managed to destroy the attacking ship with a salvo of torpedoes.

When the Enterprise finally caught up with the Phoenix, Captain Picard ordered Captain Maxwell back to Starbase 211. However during their return, Captain Maxwell veered off course and headed towards another supply ship.
Once the Enterprise had arrived at their position, Captain Maxwell demanded that Captain Picard search the vessel as proof that his actions were justified. But Captain Picard refused and a stand-off ensued.

Ultimately the stand-off ended successfully with no further loss of lives when Chief Miles O'Brien was able to transport over to the Phoenix during a 1/50th of a second "window". When the ship's high energy sweeps caused a brief 'hole' to appear in it's shields. Once on board he managed to convince Maxwell to stand down.
In spite of the situation, Captain Picard warned Gul Macet that Captain Maxwell's suspicions may have had a basis in truth. in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "The Wounded".

The U.S.S. Phoenix was named after the first Human warp capable starship in the 'in-universe' (canon) history of Star Trek. Which was instrumental in instigating Human's First Contact with Vulcans on April 5th 2063.
Lastly, the same shot of the Phoenix being launched can be seen (briefly) in the opening titles of Star Trek: Enterprise.

Built by Doctor Zefram Cochrane the inventor of warp drive (along with Lily Sloane), built the ship from a United States Air Force nuclear missile inside it's missile (silo) complex in Bozeman, Montana.
Dr. Cochrane was the pilot, and Lily Sloane was initially intended to be one of the co-pilots. But after the Borg travelled back in time to stop the launch. William Riker and Geordi La Forge (both of the U.S.S. Enterprise-E, from 2373) served as the crew on it's augural first flight.
After helping Dr. Cochrane repair the Phoenix, with the help of the Phoenix's' blueprints which were stored on the Enterprise-E's LCAR's computer system.

If you'd like to find out more about the starship named after Zefram Cockrane (U.S.S. Cockrane) make sure you check out my previous Blog post!

This flight attracted the attention of a passing Vulcan survey ship (the T'Plana-Hath). Causing them to change course, eventually leading them to make First Contact.
First Contact Day was celebrated annually to commemorate this First Contact between Humans and Vulcans, and was featured in the opening scene of the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Homestead".

A model of the Phoenix was kept in Travis Mayweather's old quarters aboard the ECS Horizon, which can be seen in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode "Horizon".

Presumably the same [prop] model along with a blueprint of the Phoenix (created by the Phoenix's designer John Eaves) can be briefly glimpsed on display in Admiral Forrest's Starfleet Command office in San Francisco during the events of 2154.
All of which can be seen in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode's "The Expanse" and "Home".

The pewter model was produced in limited numbers by the Franklin Mint and was put on sale in 2001. With each model was also personally signed by the Phoenix's designer John Eaves.

A couple of blueprints for the Phoenix were also on display in the 602 Club (also located in San Francisco). Including one which might look quite familiar from a certain Admiral's office!
Which can be seen in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode "First Flight"
For more information see John Eaves blog about the 602 Club:
By the 24th century, the Phoenix was an exhibit in the Smithsonian Institution.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard saw the exhibit many times as a boy, but was never allowed to touch it (Star Trek: First Contact).

The Phoenix also gets a mention in the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Year of Hell, Part I". When on Day 47 (of an alternate timeline) an injured Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres and Ensign Harry Kim are trapped inside a damaged turbolift for six hours following a Krenim attack.

During which they spent their time playing a 24th Century version of Trivial Pursuit, despite her experiencing increasing pain, she stubbornly tries to think of the answer to his latest puzzle.
When Seven of Nine pries the door open and frees them. She then immediately answers Harry Kim's final question about the name of Zefram Cochrane's ship (the Phoenix) and tells them that the Borg were present during the events (obvious reference to Star Trek: First Contact).
SS Tsiolkovsky (NCC-53911) Oberth Class

The SS Tsiolkovsky is an Oberth Class starship seen in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "The Naked Now".

The Tsiolkovsky was assigned to observe the collapse of a red giant star. But during their eight month mission the crew fell victim to a form of polywater intoxication. So after Starfleet lost contact with the ship. They ordered the Enterprise to investigate the fate of the vessel and its 80 crew members on stardate 41209 (in 2363).
The Tsiolkovsky was discovered adrift in space, with its bridge open to space due to an open emergency hatch, with all hands lost. When the Enterprise-D crew became infected with the same virus, and was put in danger from a stellar core fragment.
In order to escape the crew of U.S.S. Enterprise-D bounced a repulsor beam off the Tsiolkovsky. Which pushed the Enterprise-D away from the fragment, and providing the necessary time needed to restore power to the engines to warp away.
While the Enterprise-D survived, the Tsiolkovsky was destroyed. This all takes place during the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "The Naked Now".

The SS Tsiolkovsky was named after the Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (Wikipediaspace.comNASA).
Who was Soviet rocket scientist and pioneer of the astronautic theory.

In 1894 Tsiolkovsky designed a monoplane that was not flown until 1915. He built the first Russian wind tunnel in 1897. He was also an insightful visionary who thought a great deal about the uses rockets could have to explore (and master) space in equal measure.
He was the author of Investigations of Outer Space by Rocket Devices (1911) and Aims of Astronauts (1914). Tsiolkovsky also created rocket dynamics, which used mathematics and physics to study (and model) the manner in which they operated.

In 1903 he published the rocket equation (called the Tsiolkovsky formula) in the Nauchnoe Obozrenie (Scientific Review) magazine.
Which established the relationships among rocket speed, the speed of the gas at exit, and the mass of the rocket and its propellant. This equation is the basis of much of the spacecraft engineering done today.
In 1929 he published his theory of multistage rockets, based on his knowledge of propulsion dynamics.
It's this work combined work over thirty five years which made him (alongside Robert Esnault-Pelterie, Hermann Oberth and Robert H. Goddard) one of the founding fathers of modern rocketry and astronautics.
It also later inspired other leading Soviet rocket engineers such as Sergei Korolev and Valentin Glushko to design (and build) the successful Soyuz spacecraft. Which helped contribute to the success of the Soviet space program in the 1960's, and are still in use to this day!

U.S.S. Chekov (NCC-57302) Springfield Class

The U.S.S. Chekov is a Springfield Class starship seen (destroyed) in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "The Best of both Worlds, Part II".
In late 2366, the USS Chekov was one of 40 starships mobilized at Wolf 359 to intercept a Borg cube en route to Sector 001 (Earth). The Chekov engaged the Borg at the subsequent battle where it was destroyed, along with the rest of the fleet. "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II".
The U.S.S. Chekov doesn't get it's name from the real world... but from the 'in-universe' (canon) history of Star Trek.
This is because the ship's named after the noted 23rd century Starfleet officer... Pavel Andreievich Chekov (Павел Андреевич Чехов in Russian).
Who mainly served as the navigator and security chief aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise (Star Trek: The Original Series) and the U.S.S. Enterprise-A.
But he also briefly became the First Officer of the U.S.S. Reliant (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan).
Before returning as security chief on-board the U.S.S. Enterprise-A, until it's decommission in 2293.
played a more variable role than other senior crew members under Captain James T. Kirk. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture; Star Trek V: The Final Frontier; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)

U.S.S. Tian An Men (NCC-21382) Miranda Class

The U.S.S. Tian An Men is an Miranda Class starship seen in an okudagram in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Redemption, Part II".

In early 2368, the Tian An Men was docked at Starbase 234's spacedock for repairs. The ship joined Captain Picard's fleet that blockaded the Klingon-Romulan border during the Klingon Civil War. It was prematurely deployed, despite the yard superintendent's belief that the ship was not ready for launch.
Experienced officers from the Enterprise augmented the crew of this ship. The ship was one of twenty-three assembled for the fleet. It was also one of the seventeen starships chosen for the tachyon network. Identified by its name and registry number, the ship's position in the network was monitored from the Enterprise-D.

A plan was hatched by Picard, which he hoped would lure the Romulans through the detection grid. When Gowron launched a full attack against the forces of the House of Duras, the Romulan ships would rush to their aid. During this, the U.S.S. Excalibur would fall back with feigned engine troubles, taking the U.S.S. Akagi and the U.S.S. Hornet.
In doing so, this would open up a small gap in the detection net for the Romulans to attempt to pass through. As their ships passed through the gap, the Enterprise-D and the Tian An Men would swing around, close the gap, and catch the Romulans in the act.

The plan was foiled when the network was disrupted by a high-energy burst released by the Romulans, the net was no longer effective in a radius of ten million kilometers around the U.S.S. Sutherland. Subsequently, Picard ordered the fleet to proceed to Gamma Eridon at maximum warp, where the fleet would attempt to re-establish the net before the Romulans got there.

In late 2373, the Tian An Men was assigned to patrol along the Federation's border with the Cardassian Union. It was reported missing, possibly due to action by the Jem'Hadar. Seen in the Star Trek: The Deep Space Nine episode "In the Cards".

The ship later fought in the Dominion War at the First Battle of Chin'toka in late 2374. Where it, along with the U.S.S. Hood and the U.S.S. Nautilus assisted the U.S.S. Defiant in destroying the asteroidal moon that supplied power to the orbital weapon platforms, which protected the Chin'toka system. Seen in the Star Trek: The Deep Space Nine episode "Tears of the Prophets".

The U.S.S. Tian An Men was named after the Chinese square of the same name (obviously) called Tiananmen Square or Tian'anmen Square.

is a city square in the centre of Beijing, China, named after the Tiananmen ("Gate of Heavenly Peace") located to its north, separating it from the Forbidden City. The square contains the Monument to the People's Heroes, the Great Hall of the People, the National Museum of China, and the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong.
Mao Zedong proclaimed the founding of the People's Republic of China in the square on October 1, 1949; the anniversary of this event is still observed there.
Tiananmen Square is within the top ten largest city squares in the world (440,500 m2 – 880×500 m or 109 acres – 960×550 yd). It has great cultural significance as it was the site of several important events in Chinese history.
Outside China, the square is best known for the armed suppression of the pro-democracy June 1989 Tiananmen Square protests.

But is known around the world for being the location of the infamous 1989 Tiananmen Square protests.

The 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, commonly known in mainland China as the June Fourth Incident (Chinese: 六四事件, liùsì shìjiàn), were student-led demonstrations in Beijing (the capital of the People's Republic of China) in 1989. More broadly, it refers to the popular national movement inspired by the Beijing protests during that period, sometimes called the '89 Democracy Movement (Chinese: 八九民运, bājiǔ mínyùn).
The protests were forcibly suppressed by Chinese Premier Li Peng who declared martial law. Where the army (including troops with automatic rifles and tanks) fired at the demonstrators trying to block the military's advance into Tiananmen Square. It's because of this action, it became known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre in the West.
Although the overall figure is unknown, the number of civilian deaths has been estimated variously from 180 to 10,454.
U.S.S. Franklin (NX-326) Starship Class

The U.S.S. Franklin is an Starship Class starship seen in the Star Trek: Beyond.

We all know that the U.S.S. Franklin was simply named after Justin Lin's father... Franklin Lin.
The U.S.S. Franklin's registry number NX-326 pays homage to Leonard Nimoy (Memory Alpha & IMDB) as his birthday is March 26 or 3-26.

That name was chosen in recognition of Justin Lin's father, Frank Lin; the vessel's dedication plaque has a slightly wider gap between the letters "k" and "l" to further emphasise this tribute. While the Franklin's registry number (326), was in honour of Leonard Nimoy's birthday.
Both I think are well deserved loving tributes!

But I'd like to offer up a couple of alternatives up for your consideration, which I think have the same level of reasoning as the Star Trek production team.
As I'd like to argue that the ship was in fact named after a historical figure with the Franklin surname... either John Franklin or Benjamin Franklin!

But I also think that you could put the same level reasoning as the Star Trek production team.  behind the name, and argue that the ship was in fact named after a historical figure with the Franklin surname John Franklin or Benjamin Franklin!

but I also think that with a little bit of reasoning behind the name, and argue that the ship was in fact named after John Franklin or Benjamin Franklin!

Rear-Admiral Sir John Franklin (16 April 1786 – 11 June 1847) was a British Royal Navy officer and explorer of the Arctic. Although he also served as Lieutenant-Governor of Van Diemen's Land from 1837 to 1843.
He disappeared on his last expedition, attempting to chart and navigate a section of the Northwest Passage in the Canadian Arctic. But the ships became icebound, and had to be abandoned looking for help.
Unfortunately leading to the entire crew's ultimate demise dying of starvation, hypothermia, tuberculosis, lead poisoning, and scurvy.

Benjamin Franklin (January 17, 1706 [O.S. January 6, 1705] – April 17, 1790) was foremost an American polymath and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States signing the Declaration of Independence in 1776.
Franklin was a leading author, printer, political theorist, politician, freemason, postmaster, scientist, inventor, humorist, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat.

As a scientist, he was a major figure in the American Enlightenment and the history of physics for his discoveries and theories regarding electricity (most famously his 1752 Kite experiment).
Meanwhile as an inventor, he is most known for inventing the lightning rod, bifocals, and the Franklin stove, amongst other inventions.
Finally, he founded many American civic organizations, including the Library Company, Philadelphia's first fire department and the University of Pennsylvania.
I hope you've enjoyed reading my starships blog post, hopefully it has given you an insight into how (over the years) the Star Trek Production team have decided what to name the Starfleet ships seen in the series and subsequent films.
This is Simon from The Engage Podcast signing out!